
amanda reichelt areichel at
Wed Feb 28 22:40:49 EST 1996

Just wondering if anyone could help me.  I am looking for a refernce I 
found on the home page of the coral-list.  I would really appreciate it if 
someone may be able to help. 

Glynn, P.W.; Szmant, A.M.; Corcoran, E.F.; Cofer-Shabica, S.V. Condition of 
coral reef cnidarians from Byscayne National Park rref tract:Pesticides, 
heavy metals and histopathological examination. RES. RESOUR. MANAGEM REP. 
U.S. NATL. PARK. SERV. 1989. 36 pp. 

Thans in advance 


Amanda Reichelt 

Centre for Coastal Management 
Southern Cross University 
PO Box 157 
Lismore NSW 2480 

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