global reef area

Llewellya Hillis HILLISL at
Fri Feb 21 11:05:41 EST 1997

E-mail service at the Pacific end of the canal in Panama has had many
recent problems so I am just now catching up on the reef area
discussion. Estimates for areas of deeper and outer regions of reefs
are especially important for carbonate budgets involving Halimeda
bioherms, meadows (eg 20-40m on the western Great Bahama Bank slope)
and draperies (50% cover for some areas of wall, 50-58m depth,
Enewetak where Halimeda grows at least to 140m). Both John Milliman
and I relied extensively on areas from Smith's paper in developing
our recent budgets (Milliman, J.D. 1993: "Production and accumulation
of calcium carbonate in the ocean:..."  Global Biogeochemical Cycles
7:927-957 and Hillis, L.  "Coralgal reefs from a calcareous green
alga perspective, and a first carbonate budget".Proc. 8th Intl. Coral
Reef Symposium (in press). 

Llewellya Hillis

Llewellya Hillis
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Unit 0948, APO AA 34002-0948
email: stri01.naos.hillisl at

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