bleaching in Brazil

Ruy Kenji Papa de Kikuchi kikuchi at
Wed Apr 15 17:10:29 EDT 1998

Dear coral-listers,

Following the communications on bleaching around the world, here goes
another one. On April 14th 1998 (yesterday), I witnessed a mass bleaching
on patch reefs at the northern coast of Bahia State (around
12deg30secS/38degW). These reefs are at a depth of 9-12m, and bottom
temperature was 29,5 deg C. This is the highest temperature measured in
the area in the last three years.
More than 90% of Mussismilia hispida (endemic coral) colonies were white to
gold yellow. About 80% of Agaricia agaricites was in the same situation.
Siderastrea stellata (endemic) was a little less bleached than the former
(around 70%). Favia gravida (endemic) seemed to me less affected but I did
not see enough colonies of this species to say something with confidence.

After that, I'd like to know if anybody has any information on hotspots in
this area of the Atlantic.


Ruy Kenji

Ruy Kenji Papa de Kikuchi
Curso de Pos-Graduacao em Geologia
Laboratorio de Estudos Costeiros
Instituto de Geociencias
Universidade Federal da Bahia
R Caetano Moura, 123   Federacao
CEP 40.100-010   Salvador  Bahia
e-mail: kikuchi at

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