Caulerpa taxifolia

sobelj%dccmc at sobelj%dccmc at
Wed Jul 8 15:36:29 EDT 1998

In response to David Zakai's earlier message below:

The Caulerpa taxifolia introduction to the French Mediterranean was 
featured in a U.S. National Public Radio piece yesterday and from that 
piece it sounds like a very significant exotic species introducation 
doing extensive damage.

The question was:

Dear All,

Does anyone know of any examples or papers which demonstrate an
introduction of exotic marine animals as a result of release to the near 
sea or lake after keeping the exotic animal as a pet??

Many Thanks, David.

One of the answers is:

Dear David,

The closest I can get to an introduction of a marine organism used as a 
is the famous Caulerpa taxifolia released from an aquarium into the 
of southern France.

Meinesz, A. et al.  1993.  Spread of the introduced tropical green alga
Caulerpa taxifolia in northern Mediterranian waters. Journal of Applied
Phycology 5: 141-147

Could you post the replies you recieve on the coral list ?

Simon Wilson

   David Zakai,
   Red Sea marine biologist                Department of Life Science
   Nature Reserves Authority of Israel     Bar-Ilan University
   Eilat district, P.O.Box 667             Ramat-Gan
   Israel, 88105                           Israel, 52100

   Ph:+972-7-6373988                       +972-7-6360117
   Fax:+972-7-6375047                      +972-7-6375329
                  Email: zakaid at

Jack Sobel, Director
Ecosystem Protection
Center for Marine Conservation
Washington, DC  20036
(202)429-5609 or (202)857-5552
Fax: (202)872-0619
Email:  jsobel

"The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 
'What good is it?'.  If the land mechanismas a whol is good, then every 
part is good, whether we understand it or not. If the biota, in the 
course of eons, has built something we like, but do not understand, then 
who but a fool would discard seemingly useless parts? To keep every cog 
and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering."
Aldo Leopold, Round River, 1953.

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