Coral Literature

Mark Eakin eakin at
Wed Nov 25 09:58:28 EST 1998

                           Subject:                         Time:   09:55
                           Coral Literature                 Date:   11/25/98

After reading Jim Hendee's recent "helpful hints" message, I decided to make
my literature file available over the web.  It can be found at:

The following is the introduction to it:

Coral Related Literature

Warranty: none given or implied. The following is provided on an "as is"
basis. This is a
slightly edited version of all of the coral related literature from my
database. It contains
950-1000 references.

Beware that it has been moved between at least 3 different literature database
systems and all entries were made by hand or copied from those aquired on the
web or from
e-mails. You should check any references before assuming they are correct.

I hope that it is helpful. If you have comments, corrections or feedback,
please let me know
at eakin at

Revision date: 11/25/98


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