Announcing: Cnidarian Biochemistry Bibliography Available

Cheryl Woodley Cheryl.Woodley at
Tue Mar 11 15:42:07 EST 2003

There is a new research resource available to the coral research
community in the form of a Cnidarian Biochemistry Bibliography.  The
bibliography includes 1055 references and covers the period of
1965-2002.  It is available on the CHAMP webpage at the following URL

The Cnidarian Biochemistry Bibliography is titled ‘cnidarianbio.pdt’ and
is fully searchable.

The bibliography is one of the resources resulting from the Coral
Disease and Health Consortium’s workshop identifying research needs.  It
is planned that this resource will be updated approximately
semi-annually.  With this in mind, if you are aware of citations that
should be included under this topical area, please forward the
information to Sylvia Galloway at the following email address:

Sylvia.Galloway at

We also welcome notice of new publications relevant to this collection.
If you have any questions about the bibliography, send them to the same
email address.
The publications have been collected in support of the preparation of a
review on the same subject.  The bibliography and a short version of the
review will be published as a NOAA TM.


  Cheryl M. Woodley, PhD <cheryl.woodley at>
  Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research

  Cheryl M. Woodley, PhD
  Center for Coastal Environmental Health and    <cheryl.woodley at>
  Biomolecular Research
  Hollings Marine Laboratory 331 Ft Johnson      Fax: 843-762-8737
  Road                                           Work: 843-762-8862
  South Carolina
  Additional Information:
  Last Name     Woodley
  First Name    Cheryl
  Version       2.1

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