[Coral-List] Coral assoiciated crabs

dugong dugong at md2.vsnl.net.in
Fri Aug 13 03:01:57 EDT 2004

Dear coral listers

    I am working on coral associated brachyuran crabs of Gulf of Mannar Islands, India. During my surveys I found more number of brachyuran associates in the dead corals than live. I started my research on brachyuran associated crabs on coral reefs only after the 1998 bleaching event. Status study on the coral reefs of Gulf of Mannar during the study period shows more than 75% of dead coral cover in most of the reefs.  I request the coral listers to provide information on any similar situation in other parts of the world? Also to substantiate my results I am in need of research papers related to my work and the importance of dead corals and their ecology.  If any one can answer this ttopic it will be of great help to me.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely

A. Gokul
Marine Biological Station
Zoological Survey of India
Chennai, India
a_goks at hotmail.com

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