[Coral-List] Targeted outreach messages for IYOR

Simon Donner simon.donner at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 15:29:03 EDT 2008

One of the overwhelming messages of the recent ICRS - I think most
attendees with agree on this - is that if we want to ensure the
contuning function and diversity of the world's coral reef ecosystems,
the world must act now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Several
speakers strongly argued that the scientific community must do
everything possible to raise public awareness of the threat that
rising CO2 and ocean warming poses to coral reefs.

I sincerely appreciate the fine efforts by the IYOR organizers to
create print advertisements to promote coral reef conservation. Yet it
is a pity that only one of the five ads deals with climate change, and
that ad simply suggests that people purchase compact flourescent light
bulbs, which is hardly a groundbreaking energy efficiency tip (that
will be law in many countries within the next five years!). The scope
of the advertisements is quite contrary to the message of climate
change concern that permeated the ICRS.

Shouldn't the community be preparing advertisements or campaigns that
convey the ICRS message of the urgency of dealing with greenhouse gas
emissions? [in the interest of not flooding the coral-list, i'm happy
to host a discussion of alternative, serious, advertisements over at
my blog, simondonner.blogspot.com].

Simon Donner
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Geography
University of British Columbia

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