[Coral-List] Life history traits for Montastrea annularis and Agaricia agaricites

AdRiAnA HuMaNeS adrihumanes at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 19 10:57:51 EDT 2008

Dear coral listers:

Hello, does any body knows if there have being works done on:

- the estimation of the variation of fecundity with size for Montastrea annularis (besides Szmant 1985, 1986) and for Agaricia agaricites (besides Van Moorsel 1983)

- size-based matrix in M. annularis (besides Hughes & Tanner 2000; Edmunds & Elahi 2007) and for A. agaricites (besides Hughes 1984; Huughes & Tanner 2000)

-the variation of M.annularis and A. agaricites larvae survirvorship.

Thanks very much,
Best Regards
Adriana Humanes adrihumanes at yahoo.com
Master Student
Universidad Simón Bolívar

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