[Coral-List] Economic Valuation and market based conservation

Nicolas Pascal nppacific at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 05:01:50 EDT 2011

Dear all,
I have read many comments on this topic and as one of the economist consulted during the definition of the mini-symposium content, i would like to give my point of view on it. The title is very precise and for me has a concrete objective. There are market failures well identified that "explain" the reef overfishing, the impactful urbanism (with its physical and chemical impacts) and other specific impacts. They generally imply private businesses with an objective widely accepted by society: maximize benefits (more or less legally). From an economic point of view, these market failures can be solved in two ways (at least): (i) installing a new economic/business model changing people behaviors and/or (ii) setting up some instruments already existing in the market to "internalize" the externalities (tax, PES, property rights,...). The first one is definitively necessary but, let's face reality, will ask a lot of time (surely too much for some reef under threats). The second one is very on-the-ground and is one of the objectives of the mini-symposium. 

NB: The previous reflects only my position and not the position of the mini-symposium steering committee which is much richer with anthropologist, geograph and banker perspectives....


Nicolas Pascal
Insular Research Center and Environment Observatory
Papetoai, Moorea, Polynésie française
Biologie et écologie marine tropicale et méditerranéenne
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France
T : (+678) 7751292 / 5387744
nicolas.pascal at criobe.pf

Nicolas Pascal
-Insular Research Center and Environment Observatory
Papetoai, Moorea, Polynésie française
-Biologie et écologie marine tropicale et méditerranéenne
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France
T : (+678) 7751292 / 5387744
nicolas.pascal at criobe.pf

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