[Coral-List] Coral bleaching sublethal effects in the brazilian reefs (El Niño 2010)

Ricardo Miranda ricardojdemiranda at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 21:59:03 EDT 2013

Dear members,
In the late summer of 2009/2010 the temperature of the sea water on the
Brazilian coast reached 31° C due to the occurrence of El Niño  caused the
bleaching event that affected more than half of the coral community of
Caramuanas reef (Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia state). The brazilian
endemic taxon (Mussismilia) were the least affected and hydrocoral
Millepora alcicornis proved quite likely some colonies being found dead
covered by coralline algae after this episode. However, after the end of
thermal anomalies most species of coral showing vitality of recovery. The
results found in this work indicate that the coral fauna of the Caramuanas
reef can become
tolerant to the effects of bleaching when the thermal
anomaly does not exceed 0.75°C over a period of one
week. See full paper in: http://www.lajar.cl/pdf/imar/v41n2/Articulo_14.pdf..
See photos in: www.ricardojmiranda.blogspot.com.br


*Ricardo Jessouroun de Miranda*
Biólogo (CRBio 85.999/05-P)
Mestrando em Ecologia e Biomonitoramento PPGECOBIO-UFBA
Laboratório de Ecologia Bentônica - LEB
Insituto de Biologia - Universidade Federal da Bahia
 Telefone  71 3283-6552
Celular  71 9919-9952
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3179100324555214

skype: ricardojdemiranda
twitter: @ricardojmiranda

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