[Coral-List] 20 newly listed coral species

Steve Mussman sealab at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 25 09:02:11 EDT 2014

   As   I interpreted   it,   the  major  "thrust"  of  the  Op-Ed  piece
   mid=&_r=0)  was this point -"to save coral reefs,  . . . we need to stop all
   forms  of overfishing, establish large and effectively enforced marine
   protected areas and impose strict regulations on coastal development and
   pollution while at the same time working to reduce fossil fuel emissions
   driving climate change. Itâs not either/or. Itâs all of the above".  This
   proposition seems to be in line with most of the science-based papers that
   I've read on the subject. I don't believe that anybody is conspiring to use
   this  argument to  create  a  frightening outside threat in an attempt
   to control the masses. The reference to parrot fish was simply a way to
   illustrate  that herbivores have a role to play in the preservation of
   healthy coral reef systems.   Steve

     -----Original Message-----
     >From: Eugene Shinn
     >Sent: Sep 23, 2014 3:22 PM
     >To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
     >Subject: [Coral-List] 20 newly listed coral species
     >Mussman and CBD are correct in a Machiavellian sort of way. Listing
     >corals as threatened is an effective way to bring attention to dying
     >coral reefs. As Machiavelli pointed out 500 years ago in his classic,
     >The Prince, creating a frightening outside threat helps control the
     >masses. As I observed in the Florida Keys this summer the major reefs
     >are mostly dead and there were no live Acroporid corals in the usual
     >places. However, the ever-increasing masses of tourist divers clearly
     >did not know the difference between a live coral reef and a dead one. I
     >guess it doesn't matter as long as the keys economy is flourishing.
     >Tourist divers are mesmerized by all the multi colored Parrot fish that
     >ironically are part of the problem. The Jeremy Jackson NYT op-ed piece
     >Mussman quotes may apply elsewhere but does not apply to Florida Keys
     >reef areas.Parrotfish are nibbling the dead corals away so fast coral
     >larvae can't gain a foothold. I can't speak for Pacific reefs but the
     >thrust of the op-ed clearly does not apply in the Florida Keys. Gene
     >No Rocks, No Water, No Ecosystem (EAS)
     >------------------------------------ -----------------------------------
     >E. A. Shinn, Courtesy Professor
     >University of South Florida
     >College of Marine Science Room 221A
     >140 Seventh Avenue South
     >St. Petersburg, FL 33701
     >Tel 727 553-1158
     >---------------------------------- -----------------------------------
     >Coral-List mailing list
     >Coral-List at coral.aoml.noaa.gov


   1. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/18/opinion/we-can-save-coral-reefs.html?smid=&_r=0

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