[Coral-List] Abstracts for ICRS2020: Upscaling coral reef restoration

Sarah Frias-Torres sfrias_torres at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 26 20:24:45 UTC 2019

Deadline fast approaching!

Dear colleagues,

Tom Moore and I are chairing  a session on upscaling coral reef restoration
at the ICRS2020 in Bremen, Germany.

Theme 13: Interventions and restoration

Session 4: "What methods and techniques can upscale coral reef restoration?"

We welcome abstract submission until September 1, 2019.

If you have any questions, contact us directly

Session Abstract:
As coral reefs continue to decline worldwide, combining traditional conservation
with active restoration is essential to support resilience in these threatened ecosystems.
This session will focus both on success stories and strategies for upscaling restoration:
to mass-produce bleaching-resistant reef building corals for transplantation onto degraded
reefs at the scale of hectares rather than square meters. All methods of mass coral production
(Propagation of sexual recruits, asexual propagation by fragmentation and microfragmenting)
and transplantation will be considered, including the use of new technologies and automation.
Specifically we expect presentations quantifying restoration success including:
before-after-control studies of restoration impacts on benthic and fish communities,
coral genomics, restoration to dissipate high energy in coastal environments, demographic
monitoring in site selection, development of self sustaining thickets, engagement and participation
of marginalized base communities, and case studies linking managers priorities with restoration
and vice versa.


Sarah Frias-Torres, Ph.D.
Twitter: @GrouperDoc
Science Blog: https://grouperluna.com/
Art Blog: https://oceanbestiary.com/

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