[Coral-List] Coral scientists for climate action

frahome at yahoo.com frahome at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 30 10:02:49 UTC 2020

 No Alina. That is not, currently, the root cause. Besides some localized impacts most of the destruction you see around the world and the major crisis come from a small fraction of the world population and the economic system in which they operate. This same small fraction is now trying to blame the poor for the issues it has created.
World population is growing at 1.2% (with a predicted declining rate), world economy is growing at 3.5% (and all economies of the world are trying to maximize that, for the way the system is built, falling below that rate leads to economical breakdown) and farmed animal population is growing at 2.4% and is already responsibly for most of the take over of agricultural land, deforestation and a big fraction of CO2 emissions.

Here two interesting articles on the subject:https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/19/population-crisis-farm-animals-laying-waste-to-planet

Thinking that controlling population is the golden solution is also incorrect as several studies show how that action is on a different timescale than the one is required to avoid environmental breakdown. For example:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4246304/

There was a previous thread on coral-list wondering if coral scientists have failed in uniting voices over the root causes of coral reefs demise. Well they surely have failed to spoke unitedly against the main root cause that is an unsustainable predatory economic system based on perpetual growth, consumerism, exploitation of natural "resources" and people, and the shaping of people minds and aims, towards material (or better crap) accumulation rather than towards immaterial values such as our connection with the natural world and other people.

    On Saturday, August 29, 2020, 01:59:14 PM GMT+2, Alina Szmant via Coral-List <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> wrote:  
 Dear All:

Covid is being attributed with less fossil fuel emissions because people aren't traveling as much. But here in US I see people sitting in their cars wirh engine running for hours waitingfir doctors and vet appointments,  food pickup,  etc, even large vehicles and trucks. I am guessing that millions of people doing this everyday is going to add up  and become a new source of CO2 emissions at least in US. Anyone calculating how much this would contribute to globo warming,  the major direct cause of coral reef decline ( other than too many.humans on Earth, the root cause)?


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Franziska Elmer via Coral-List <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Date: 8/28/20 11:43 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov
Subject: [Coral-List] Coral scientists for climate action

Dear Coral list,

Our coral reefs are one of the 9 Tipping points that could be triggered by climate change. We could lose them forever. Our reefs are projected to be lost almost completely at 2 C warming, a threshold that will be reached within the life times of many of us unless there is more global action on climate change. Currently we are looking forward to a career full of tears and despair, where we work endlessly to help save our reefs while not enough action is done globally to halt climate change. The money spoken for recession relief linked to the COVID-19 crisis will likely be our last change to turn the ship around and create world were global warming does not surpass 1.5 C or 2 C (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-020-0883-0). The industries supported by this spending will likely be the industries we are locked into for the next 30 years. That is why speaking up about climate change and putting it into the media is super important right now.

Do you want more climate action? Then join us! We want to form a group of coral reef scientists that are highly concern about climate change and want to demand urgent action through creative displays/dance/theater/art that will be held on the same day all around the world. The date will likely be in early November.

If you are interested in being involved in this in any form (organizer, local participant, spreading the word) then please fill out this form and we will be in touch with you soon!


Dr. Franziska Elmer and Elinor Nadir (PhD candidate)

Franziskaelmer at hotmail.com

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