[Coral-List] 2 PhD positions in Coral Reef Biology - Eco-physiological Genomics - Voolstra lab

Christian R Voolstra chris.voolstra at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 07:38:20 UTC 2021

Dear all,

Please see below regarding 2 available PhD positions in my lab.

Thank you,

Prof. Dr. Christian R Voolstra
Professor of Genetics of Adaptation in Aquatic Systems
Head of SequAna Sequencing Analysis Core Facility
Project Lead Paul G. Allen Family Foundation "Nature's Super Corals"
Department of Biology | University of Konstanz | Germany | Fon +49 (0)7531 88 3860
Web: biologie.uni-konstanz.de/sequana/ | reefgenomics.org | SymPortal.org | scholar.google.com/citations?user=wg421oQAAAAJ&hl=en
Twitter: @reefgenomics


**2 PhD positions in Coral Reef Biology - Eco-physiological Genomics - Voolstra lab**

Publication date: September 28, 20201
Closing date: November 30, 2021
Anticipated starting date: Q1 2022 (preferably mid-January to mid-February) Level of education: MSc / Diploma

**PhD description
Two DFG-funded 36-months PhD positions (salary 65% E13) are available in the Voolstra Lab at the University of Konstanz, Germany. The project aims to examine the biocomplexity of the coral holobiont (i.e., the interplay between metaorganism biodiversity, ecological setting, and the emergent phenotype) to better understand how identity and functional diversity of associated microbes contribute to the health and resilience of coral metaorganisms.
The project centers around collection of environmental parameters, recording of heat stress phenotypes (CBASS), and molecular elucidation of the coral holobiont biodiversity through marker gene and metagenomic sequencing of four common coral species across four coral reef regions (the Central Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean, the Arabian Seas, and the Coral Sea). Based on the collected data, an analytical framework will be built that integrates holobiont biodiversity, stress tolerance, and environmental setting to elucidate coral holobiont ‘configurations’ that are representative/predictive of metaorganism resilience. The project connects to the Global Search endeavor (https://pgafamilyfoundation.org/Press-Room/2021/Coral-grants.aspx) funded by the Paul G Allen Family Foundation
Both PhD positions include organizing and conducting short-term acute heat stress experiments (CBASS) on field-collected corals and recording of environmental parameters (physico-chemical, reef surveys) with little supervision. One PhD position will focus on the analysis of holobiont diversity using metabarcoding and metagenomics, the other PhD position will focus on predictive modeling and analytical framework-building, although this can be adjusted based on the background of candidates and their preferences.
Experience with working with corals and SCUBA certification are desirable. Successful candidates will be proficient in using molecular and bioinformatic tools to analyze metabarcoding and metagenomic data with a conceptual understanding of multivariate statistics.

- Masters/Diploma in marine biology, molecular ecology, or related fields
- Good written and oral communication skills
- Demonstrated ability to work in a team
- Disposition to work in laboratory and field conditions

To apply, send the following documents as a single PDF file to christian.voolstra at uni-konstanz.de
- Cover letter (1 page)
- Curriculum vitae (including list of publications, if available)
- Certificates of education
- 2 contacts for reference letters

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