[Coral-List] Happy World Recycling Day

Nicola Jaeger nicola.jaeger at hotmail.de
Wed May 18 12:46:38 UTC 2022

Good morning dear coral-listers,

Happy to see members on this list are all involved in recycling already. Yes, bottles and cans as well as paper and organic materials can be recycled quite easily.

I guess we all try separating according to the rules and regulations where we live. But what happens then? I looked into the state of recycling in Germany<https://devocean-pictures.com/out-of-sight-out-of-mind-plastic-waste-isnt-recycled-yet/> two years ago and it is actually quite shocking.

The big problem is that lots of our products and wrapping materials are made from a material mix that isn't easily recycled, if at all possible. Recycling quotas - at least in Germany - are based on how much is collected, not how much is actually being recycled and reused. Also shipping plastic off to other countries can be labelled as recycling already (knowing damn well these countries have even less capacity to do so).

As I don't want to be doom and gloom, I'd like to highlight an important fact I came across watching videos with gardening tips yesterday. If we want to get the recycling up, we all need to actively search and buy, best even promote and demand products and packaging made from recycled materials. Otherwise, the transition towards a circular economy is never made.

As divers, we do this quite actively in swimwear, flip-flops and clothing in general. Also, I started to take note of what kind of packaging is used in the supermarkets (of course, bringing own bags etc. and avoid what easily can be avoided). But I see now that we can seriously step up our game. With each and every product I shall look if there is an alternative (partly) made from recycled materials. Another important question is: Can it be repaired and can it be easily recycled in the end?

I am not a fan to put all the responsibility on the consumers. Production lines and product design have to change. But without any demand, without pressure and questioning the status quo, no big corporations change their way of doing business. Luckily, there are more and more alternative products and responsibly thinking companies. We just have to do a little more than just separate our waste.

To lift the whole question to a higher level: We as Devocean Pictures are still looking for solutions, ideas and projects on how to manage the plastic reality on islands sustainably. Our initial research on this topic I put together in another posting: Rubbish wave: Looking for solutions for small islands<https://devocean-pictures.com/rubbish-wave-looking-for-solutions-for-small-islands/> and would love to get new input from members of this list.

Thank you all and not only happy recycling but re-using and upcycling the stuff we own already before buying even more,


Nicola Jaeger
Weg naar White Wall 48
St. Eustatius
Caribbean Netherlands

Write: nicola.jaeger at hotmail.de or nicki at devocean-pictures.com
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Von: Coral-List <coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> im Auftrag von Steve Coles via Coral-List <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2022 07:59
An: International Coral Reef Observatory <icrobservatory at gmail.com>
Cc: coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Betreff: Re: [Coral-List] Happy World Recycling Day

Our food wastes go into the compost bin, our bottles and cans go to the
recycling center and my electric car is powered by sunlight on my roof.
Anything more I can do?

Steve Coles

On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 2:55 PM International Coral Reef Observatory via
Coral-List <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> wrote:

> Let us start being positive !!  On May 17, World Recycling Day is
> *celebrated
> with the aim of raising awareness in society about the importance of
> treating waste properly, so as not to contribute to climate change, and
> thus protect the environment*. On this date the importance of REDUCE, REUSE
> AND RECYCLE is recalled.
> Coral Listers are scientists and coral reef researchers so we all know
> about the relevance of recycling.
> We want to have an indicator of how many of you recycle. So as by logic,
> the minority will be the ones who do not recycle. So please, if you belong
> to the minority, share with us why you do not recycle and How you will
> start to recycle. If nobody replies, it means that all the coral listers
> recycle !!
> Nohora Galvis
> Director and Researcher on Coral Reef Conservation Effectiveness
> International Coral Reef Observatory Twitter: English @ICRIcolombia
> Observatorio Internacional de Arrecifes Coralinos
> Twitter: Español @ArrecifesCoral
> https://www.facebook.com/ICRObservatory/
> Instagram ICR_Observatory Youtube ICRI Colombia
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