[Coral-List] PhD opportunity at UNCW

Nicole Fogarty nikfogarty at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 11 18:31:01 UTC 2023

The Warner lab and Fogarty lab at UNC-Wilmington are recruiting amotivated student for a PhD position investigating coral thermal stressresponses. The project seeks to understanding the genetic programs underlyingthe coral stress response at different life history stages. The goal of thisproject is to identify and characterize the transcriptional networks thatbecome activated in response to heat stress. The project involves setting upand running thermal stress experiments and assays that involve a combination ofhigh throughput sequencing approaches (ATACseq, RNAseq), and traditionalmolecular laboratory approaches (PCR, cloning, etc).  Undergraduatecoursework in cell and molecular biology or genetics is strongly preferred. Theproject relies heavily on bioinformatic analyses and while experience in codingis not required, an interest in learning these approaches is stronglypreferred. 

 This PhD student will be co-advised by Dr. Nikki Fogarty and Dr.Jake Warner.  The Fogarty Coral REEF lab is located at the Center forMarine Science (CMS) at UNC Wilmington, the premier Marine Biology institute ofthe UNC system. The Warner Lab is located on UNCW’s main campus in the newlyrenovated Dobo Hall, 15 minutes from CMS. The incoming students will join acohort of graduate students studying a broad diversity of topics in biology.   

 Bachelor’s degree in biology, marine science, or related field is required 
   - Undergraduate coursework in cell and molecular biology is strongly preferred 
   - A background in coral biology is preferred 
   - An interest in learning computer programming (python, R, linux). 
   - Undergraduate research experience is preferred. 
   - Strong communication skills and fluency in both spoken and written English is required 


We offer:  
   - Opportunity to work on multidisciplinary and cutting-edge projects using multiomics.  
   - Opportunity to access state-of-the-art research facilities and laboratory resources.  
   - Research and teaching assistantships, health insurance, tuition support, research supplies, and travel to disseminate research results and participate in fieldwork with collaborators in the Philippines. 

To apply send the followingdocuments to Dr. Fogarty (fogartyn at uncw.edu)by January 15, 2024: your cover letter explaining your background andexperiences and explanation of career goals and research interest (2 pagesmax), CV, contacts for three references, unofficial transcript fromundergraduate and master’s degree (if applicable). Start date of May 2024 ispreferred but negotiable.  For more information click here: https://uncw4-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/fogartyn_uncw_edu/ESFIdtwbAmNIhQ1LCEuWQRsBDOHjqtW-rLniZGmgGK922w?e=Wct4Nc

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