[Coral-List] (Coral-List) The Spread of SCTLD

Steve Mussman sealab at earthlink.net
Wed May 31 16:08:46 UTC 2023

“In Steve's defense, I would point out that a correlation between

the frequency of diving in an area and the amount of coral disease is just

that, a correlation, and we know that correlation does not prove

causation. Places that have huge amounts of diving also are highly likely

to have other major damaging effects of development and human population,

such as sewage discharges, etc,”

Hi Doug,

Apart from it not being established as a scientific fact, at least part of my resistance to the idea of divers being singled out with restrictions because they are suspected of being potential vectors of coral disease is the message (or misconception) that publicly disseminating such an edict conveys. There is something inadequate about issuing a statement proclaiming that there is an outbreak of a coral disease that threatens our coral reefs and then announcing that the primary action we have chosen to take in response is . . . to place restrictions on divers. Period. With no other remedial actions or contributing factors advanced.

I agree with you, there should at least be a disclaimer that makes it clear that correlation does not prove causation. And how about advancing a more nuanced, comprehensive response that at least attempts to frame the outbreak of coral diseases in broader terms? Something along the lines of : “Coral disease outbreaks are now recognized as a significant factors in the accelerating degradation of coral reefs, and it is commonly accepted that a variety of human-related activities have altered environmental conditions, potentially impairing coral resistance to microbial infections or increasing pathogen virulence.” This could be followed by a more complete list of contributing factors reflecting whatever stressors are negatively impacting local coral reefs. What do you think? Am I asking too much?



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