Books on Mururoa and Fangatofa atolls. Answer to mschultz

Bernard A. THOMASSIN thomassi at
Thu Mar 21 05:03:29 EST 1996


As coral reef ecologist quiet well known since near 30 years in our coral reef communinity, and as member of the 
scientific council of the "Direction des Centres d'Exp‰rimentations nucl‰aires" (with my friend Prof. Bernard 
SALVAT, and other french scientists involve in studies), head of the nuclear tests in Mururoa and Fangataufa atolls, I 
have to inform you that you could find revelant informations on these atolls and the nuclear tests in the 3 books 
published by the Ministˆre de la D‰fense/DIRCEN and the scientific editor MASSON, ed. in Paris, Milan & 

These 3 books (a 4rth is in preparartion) are entitled : 

"Les atolls de Mururoa et de Fangataufa (Polyn‰sie fran‡aise". 

Tome 1. 1993. G‰ologie, P‰trologie, Hydrog‰ologie, ‰dification et ‰volution des ‰difices. (= Geology, petrology, 
building and evolution of the edifice) by G. GUILLE, G. GOUTIERE, J.F. SORNEIN, with coll. of D. BUIGHES, C. 
GUY, A. GACHON : 168 pp. 82 fig. ISBN n  : 2-11-087427-9. 
(this volume deals with the hydrogeological problems of atolls) 

Tome 2. 1995. Les exp‰rimentations nucl‰aires. Effets m‰caniques, lumino-thermiques, ‰lectromagnetiques.(= The 
nuclear tests. Mecanical, ligh-thermic and electromagnetic effect) by J. BOUCHEZ, R. LECOMTE, with the coll. of 
J. BRUGIES, Ch. GUERRINI, J.F. SORNEIN, J.-L. PLANTET, E. BLANC : 189 pp., >16 fig. ISBN n  : 2-225-

Tome 3. 1995. Le milieu vivant et son ‰volution.(= The living environment and its evolution) by J.P. BABLET, B. 
GOUT, G. GOUTIERE, with the coll. of J.Y. TREGUIER, F. POIRRIER and H. TYMEN : 307 pp., 87 fig. ISBN n  : 

The first issues of these well documented books (written for scientist and graduate student levels) are in french (of 
course !), but english issues are published or in preparation. 
But I know from my experience, that when a scientist want to read an interesting book or paper he could always ask 
the help of colleague, or a foreingh student in stage in the lab., university, and so have a short translation. 
So before to discuss, please get the informations..."at the fount of the knowledge". 

Sincerely yours and Best regards to all knowing me. 

Bernard A. Thomassin 

Centre d'Oc‰anologie de Marseille (CNRS-URA n 41), 
Station marine d'Endoume, 
traverse de la Batterie des Lions, 
13007 Marseille, France. 
t‰l.lab.: (33) 91 04 16 17 
t‰l. home: (33) 91 40 35 24 (if Urgent) 
fax: (33) 91 04 16 35 
e-mail: thomassi at 

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