Ban on some coral imports to the EU?

James Wiseman james at
Fri Oct 8 11:37:51 EDT 1999

I have recently heard a rumor (unconfirmed) that some corals are no longer
to be imported to the EU, as per a directive from the Sept. 16 1999 meeting
in Brussels.  This list includes (but is not limited to):

Catalaphyllia jardinei
Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
Plerogyra spp. (+ Physogyra spp.)
Euphyllia divisa, E. glabrescens
Cynarima lacrymalis
Blastomussa spp.

I am writing to ask the coral-list subscribers from the EU if they can
confirm the veracity of this information.

James Wiseman
Project Engineer
Winmar Consulting Services

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