rainforests of the sea/raising awareness

Dricot-Fellenius karlf at sfu.ca
Fri May 26 16:22:50 EDT 2000


I am on this listserve to gain knowledge about coral reefs that can be used in
the management of coastal and marine tourism. As such, I can appreciate the
analogy between rain forests and coral reef environments from a tourism
perspective. While tourism is more prevalent in reef environments, ecotourism
tends to have more success in rain forests. In accordance with ecotourism
principles, the conservation ethic by tourism operators and the extent of local
benefit from the operation are two themes that could be elaborated upon in your
There are a number of sites that can be referenced for this kind of info:

              The Challenge of Ecotourism

              Dealing with Definitions - John Shores

              Principles of Ecotourism - GORP

              Toward Definition

              Definitions - Ron Mader/Planeta.com

              Latin American Ecotourism - What is it?

              Evaluating Ecotourism Operators and Agents



"Gould, Rob" wrote:

> I am structuring the programme at the moment so any thoughts from you, the
> experts, would be greatly appreciated. Any information about possible
> implications of reef destruction and, of course, the positive contributions
> coral reefs make to the wider environment are particularly welcome.
> Your knowledge on this subject is obviously far greater than mine so I would
> very much appreciate any help or ideas.

Karl Fellenius, Masters Candidate
School of Resource & Environmental Management
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
karlf at sfu.ca

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