[Coral-List] Sociology, Ecology and Economics for coral reefs management

Arrecifes de coral corales2006 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 3 18:12:35 EDT 2013

I have been following the recent messages from many of you talking about better environmental policies, and multidisciplinary sciences for more effective coral reef  (users) management. Those questions have oriented my research and activities during the last 15 years.  That is why, I am currently attending the workshops at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions in the Columbia University (New York City) to address the gap between the facts of ecological deterioration of some coral reef areas and the society’s recognition of environmental problems, changes in attitudes and adoption of friendly environmental behaviours.  I asked an expert in Environmental Psychology (Dr. David Krantz) what would be more effective to improve peoples environmental decisions and actions, concerning approaches for environmental education whether is better to address the public and the media from a pessimistic or optimistic perspective about what can happen to coral reefs if there are not improvements of coral reef (users) management. He told me from his expertise (PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING) that is better to guide decision makers based on scientific knowledge in the more realistic way. I agreed with him as I am a professor myself, that in order to be multipliers of knowledge, We should be example of friendly environmental behaviors since students learn more from the example, so the message for the coral-listers who share with me the worries about society, should be to behave accordingly what We think everybody should do to improve the coral reef management (more multidisciplinary research, more webinars, more walking,  more activism, less pollution, less consumption, fewer babies, etc, etc etc)... A wide variety of species learn by observing...
-- Cordial saludo,

Nohora Galvis  Directora Ejecutiva
Fundación ICRI (International Coral Reef Initiative) Colombia en Pro de los Arrecifes Coralinos- ONG sin ánimo de lucro NIT 900244099-0

Punto focal por la Sociedad Civil ante la Iniciativa Internacional de los Arrecifes Coralinos 
icri.colombia at gmail.com
Calle 97ANo. 60D-88 Bogotá (Correo certificado se recibe en las tardes)
 (comunicar vía email previo envío de correspondencia por correo certificado)
Email: nohora_galvis at gmail.com
 "Antes de imprimir piense en proteger el ambiente, usar papel y energía solo cuando sea estrictamente necesario"
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