[Coral-List] Symposium on Effective Conservation @ICCB2017

Nohora Galvis icri.colombia at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 11:35:23 EDT 2017

Dear 9,400 members of the Coral-List,

The ICCB2017 is starting soon in Cartagena, we will moderate the
knowledge café on "Voices of Conservation" Monday at 14:30.

We will also have a Panel to discuss threats to coral reef
preservation as a natural ecosystem as organizers of the Symposium on
Effective Conservation.

We will not refer to restauration as building one coral species as
that is a theme for other kind of meetings on artificial reefs because
for us Active Conservation involves the unanimous recommendations in
the abstracts to protect effectivley the coral reef refuges such
#VaraderoColombia and stop / diminish the local and global threats as
the way to effectively save more coral reefs with a natural ecosytem
function with multi-species complex structure keeping the
#OceanOptimism #ConservationOptimism #GlobalBehaviorChange

Specifically we invite you to attend the first talk of the Symposium
157 on Tuesday 25th of July to be aware of the Psychosocial Phenomena
some coral reef scientist are facing, such as the bystander effect and
diffusion of responsibility when they are less likely to offer help in
conservation campaigns leaving other leaders to take action. The
priorities of some coral reef scientists are measured with units of
USD $$ as they receive funding to justify unsustainable development
allowing coral reef destruction while they offer "SAVING THE REEF" by
breaking some coral colonies to paste them some place else without
futher monitoring to follow the survivorship, morbility and high
mortality of ALL taxonomic groups at the natural coral reef ecosystem.

The coral reef divers who want to join us at diving at
#CoralesBahíaCartagena #ClimateChangeRefuge please contact me as I am
staying at http://www.coralesdeindias.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3KKthdWV1QIVxySBCh2PJgTkEAAYASAAEgJeHfD_BwE
Cordial saludo,

Nohora Galvis

Directora Observatorio Pro Arrecifes
Fundación ICRI Colombia
Coordinadora Red Internacional de Observadores Voluntarios del Arrecife


Twitter @ArrecifesCoral e @ICRIcolombia

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