[Coral-List] Published 5/8/19: Genomic Variants Among Threatened Acropora Corals

Sheila Kitchen kitchens.osu at gmail.com
Wed May 8 12:09:22 UTC 2019

Hello all,

Our paper on genome-wide differences in the two reef-building Caribbean
acroporids is available today https://www.g3journal.org/content/9/5/1633 (open
access). We found that fixed amino acid differences between A. palmata and
A. cervicornis were enriched in proteins associated with development,
cellular stress response, and the host’s interactions with associated
microbes, for instance in the ABC transporters and superoxide dismutase.
Nucleotide variants are freely available at usegalaxy.org and can be
analyzed with computational tools and existing workflows requiring only a
web browser. The paper builds the basis for the soon to be available high
resolution Acropora and Symbiodiniaceae Axiom genotyping array (Fisher

Sheila Kitchen, Aakrosh Ratan, Oscar Bedoya-Reina, Richard Burhans,
Nicole Fogarty, Webb Miller and Iliana Baums

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