[Coral-List] Projects for two undergraduate/graduate students/research assistants in coral reef ecology at CRIOBE

Maggy Nugues maggy.nugues at univ-perp.fr
Mon Oct 21 10:18:24 UTC 2019

Hello Coral Listers,

We are seeking two motivated students (or research assistants) to 
conduct coral reef research at the CRIOBE field station (www.criobe.pf) 
in French Polynesia. The applicants will have the opportunity to acquire 
field and laboratory research skills in coral reef ecology through one 
of two projects. The first project deals with the effects of macroalgae 
on the chemical and microbial mediation of coral recruitment. This 
project aims to understand 1) how macroalgae modify the microbial and 
chemical reefscapes, and 2) how these modifications affect the coral 
microbiome and the early life stages of reef corals. The second project 
deals with coral reef restoration. This project aims to assess the 
effects of material type and substratum complexity on coral recruitment 

Qualifications: Students will need to be already enrolled in a programme 
at another institution. Applications from non-students will also be 
considered. Applicants MUST be certified scientific divers (European 
Scientific Diver/Advanced European Scientific Diver). Applicants should 
have a classroom/laboratory background in ecology and marine biology. 
Experience working on coral reefs is preferred. Candidates should be 
physically fit, willing to work for long hours, comfortable working in 
and on water, fluent in English or French, and have good team and 
communication skills.

Duration of the project is 5 to 6 months starting from February/March 
2020. Costs for laboratory use, diving and accommodation (bunk rooms at 
the station) will be covered and a monthly stipend (about 550 euros per 
month) will be available. Applicants are required to pay for their own 
travel and diving insurance. They should also provide their own diving 

Interested candidates should send a motivation letter with project 
choice (macroalgae and/or coral restoration) and a CV with list of 
referees to Maggy Nugues (maggy.nugues at univ-perp.fr) by October 31, 2019.



Dr. Maggy M. NUGUES
Maître de conférences EPHE / Associate Professor
PSL Research University
Laboratoire d'Excellence “CORAIL”

USR 3278 - Centre de Biologie et d'Ecologie Tropicale et Méditerranéenne (CBETM)
Université de Perpignan (UPVD) - bâtiment R
58 Av. Paul Alduy - 66860 Perpignan cedex, France
Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de l'Environnement (CRIOBE)
BP 1013 - 98 729, Papetoai, Moorea, Polynésie française

Tel : (33) (0)4 68 66 21 56, Fax : (33) (0)4 68 50 36 86
Email : maggy.nugues at univ-perp.fr / maggy.nugues at criobe.pf
Skype: maggy.nugues at ephe.sorbonne.fr
Lab website: http://www.criobe.pf/

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