[Coral-List] PhD Position in the Seascape Ecology Lab at LSU

Daniel Holstein dan.holstein at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 13:36:50 UTC 2021

The Seascape Ecology Lab at Louisiana State University (LSU) is recruiting a doctoral student for an interdisciplinary National Science Foundation funded graduate assistant position. The study is a collaborative effort to understand the implications of climate change-related shifts in seawater carbonate chemistry, hydrodynamics, and animal behavior for the dispersal and persistence of Florida’s stone crab. The study integrates field, laboratory, and modeling studies, and the position has a Spring or Fall 2022 start date, depending on availability.

Seascape Ecology Lab (LSU)
The student will join an interdisciplinary team interested in how animal biology and the spatial arrangement of marine and coastal habitats interact to result in persistent metapopulations. The lab has a diverse set of research programs, ranging from invertebrate reproductive biology and marine disease epidemiology to the design and implementation of marine protected areas. The preferred candidate will have interests in and experience with computer coding languages, ecological or numerical modeling, and tropical or subtropical marine ecosystems. A Master’s degree in a closely related field is preferred but not required. More information about the lab and its members can be found at www.seascapelab.com <http://www.seascapelab.com/>. Members from groups underrepresented in STEM, including first-generation college students, students from low-income backgrounds, and students who identify as gender, racial, or ethnic minorities in the sciences, are especially encouraged to apply by contacting Dr. Dan Holstein at dholstein1 at lsu.edu <mailto:dholstein1 at lsu.edu>. Please include a cover letter describing your research interests and/or experience and a CV that outlines your educational, research, and/or employment history.

Daniel Holstein, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
College of the Coast & Environment
Louisiana State University
2259 Energy, Coast & Environment Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Office: (225) 578-6371


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