[Coral-List] Transformation for Inclusive Conservation

Nicole Crane nicrane at cabrillo.edu
Thu Oct 5 21:48:33 UTC 2023

Forgive for duplicate postings!
As a community of conservation researchers and practitioners, we have an
obligation to think carefully about the impacts of our work on both
ecosystems and on people. Conservation research has direct implications for
management actions such as MPAs, and research approaches such as coral
restoration (among others).  While both can be so effective (I think the
evidence for that is pretty clear), both can have impacts (and not always
positive) on communities (the human ones).

One of the greatest needs during this time of rapid change and sometimes
top-down decision making around conservation actions is to better
understand how to be inclusive of the communities who will be impacted by
the science and the decisions.  Who makes the decisions?  Who is impacted
by them? Who is invited to the 'table' to discuss the needs, identify the
problems, and develop the solutions? What are the value systems that
intersect around the conservation ideas and actions? These are (among
others) critical questions and often determine the success of the work we
do.  A failure to be intentional about inclusivity in conservation practice
can lead to personal and collective harm, failed management, and a divide
(and misunderstandings) between conservation practitioners and the
communities and ecosystems they aim to serve. On the flip side, an approach
that involves listening, true collaboration, and co-development of ideas
and actions can have lasting effects and lead to positive conservation
outcomes for all involved.

I have included a link here to a paper that myself and a large group of
colleagues worked on that addresses these ideas. *Transformation for
inclusive conservation: evidence on values, decisions, and impacts in
protected areas <https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1hncK6gsyPpr9n>* Current
Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2023, 64:101347. The link allows
access to free downloads through October.

Thanks to all


*Nicole Crane | Executive Director*

David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship
Society for Conservation Biology

Senior Conservation Scientist/Co-Lead
One People One Reef <https://onepeopleonereef.org/>

Faculty, Division of Natural and Applied Sciences, Cabrillo College
<https://www.cabrillo.edu>, Aptos CA

It is sometimes convenient for me to send email on evenings and weekends.
Please do not feel obligated to respond outside of your normal working

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