[Coral-List] Caribbean coral bleaching database_2023: invitation to collaborate

Bruno, John jbruno at unc.edu
Fri Sep 22 17:54:24 UTC 2023

Dear fellow coral reef scientists,

We all know that the unprecedented ocean temperatures this summer are causing mass bleaching across the Caribbean. We are coordinating the development of a regional database to quantify this event and we're writing to invite you all to participate. 

Anybody (including students, practitioners, managers, NGO peeps, etc.) able to survey a Caribbean reef (bleached or not) OR coral nursery can contribute data and be a collaborator (i.e., co-author). 

We created a simple Google form where you will answer some basic questions (e.g., name, location, site characteristics) and enter the results of your observations (e.g., the % of colonies bleached). It should not take you more than five minutes. 

Link to the form to add your data:  https://forms.gle/6TceCbMKwkTdhGTE7


John and Gretchen

John Bruno
Professor, Dept of Biology
UNC Chapel Hill

Gretchen Goodbody-Gringley, PhD
Director of Research, Distinguished Scientist
Central Caribbean Marine Institute
Cayman Islands

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