[Coral-List] Postdoc and PhD opportunities in quantitative animal behavior and ecology

Mike Gil mikegil at sciall.org
Thu Jul 13 18:03:06 UTC 2023

Dear Coral List community,

I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward the opportunities
described below to any potentially interested individuals.

Many thanks,



Postdoc position (flexible start date, preferably by January 2024) & Ph.D.
position (to begin in Fall 2024) in Quantitative Animal Behavior and
Ecology in the Gil Lab

The Gil Lab, in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the
University of Colorado Boulder (GilLab.org <http://gillab.org/>), is
recruiting a Postdoctoral Scholar and a Ph.D. student to work independently
and collaboratively on empirical and/or theoretical research on the
ecological consequences of behavioral interactions among species of coral
reef fishes. The successful applicants would work with PI Dr. Mike Gil and
a cross-disciplinary team of collaborators on field-based research on coral
reef fish behavior and associated statistical and theoretical modeling
under a recent grant from the National Science Foundation
<https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2222478>. Field methods
will include high-throughput data collection, utilizing remote video camera
arrays to capture landscape-scale fish movements and species interactions.
Analysis of field data will include leveraging machine learning-assisted
image-processing pipelines, and formulating and fitting novel algorithmic
models to extensive datasets. Opportunities to develop theoretical models
inspired by and/or complementary to empirical insights will abound. Funding
to cover travel and equipment for field work for the selected Postdoctoral
Scholar and PhD student has already been secured in the aforementioned

Duration, Compensation, and How To Apply

Postdoctoral Scholar:

The successful applicant to the Postdoctoral Scholar position will be
guaranteed 2 years of funding with the possibility of an additional year of
support. The annual salary for this position is $60K USD. To apply, please
complete this form <https://forms.gle/iA7AHhWQhMPHpvWG8>. Applicants will
be considered on a rolling basis.

PhD Student:

The successful applicant to the PhD position will be guaranteed 5 years of
support, through a combination of teaching assistantships and (mostly)
research assistantships, including summer salary; this currently amounts to
a starting annual salary of ~$37K USD per year. Individuals with related
work and/or scholarly experience, including those who have already earned a
Master’s degree, are especially encouraged to apply. To apply, please
complete this form <https://forms.gle/RUU7xmHrmgQm78QW7>. Applicants will
be considered on a rolling basis.

Any questions concerning these opportunities should be directed to Mike at:
Michael.Gil at colorado.edu.

Mike Gil, PhD (he/his/him)
GilLab.org <https://gillab.org/> | SciAll.org <http://sciall.org/> |
mikegil.com <http://michaelgil.wordpress.com/>

Assistant Professor, University of Colorado *Boulder*
*National Geographic* Explorer
*TED* Fellow
mikegil at sciall.org
TED talk
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"...And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and
know the place for the first time."
-T.S. Eliot

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