[Coral-List] 2023 ICRS Award Recipients

Mark Eakin corals.and.climate at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 12:12:48 UTC 2023

The International Coral Reef Society's (ICRS) Officers and Council are pleased to announce the winners of this year’s ICRS awards. The awardees are: 
Eminence in Research Award <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/2> – Monica Medina, USA
Mid-Career Scientist Award <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/3> – Christian Wild, Germany
Early-Career Scientist Award <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/4> – Nils Rädecker, Switzerland
Coral Reef Conservation Award <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/5> ($2,500) – Victor Bonito, Fiji
World Reef Award <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/6> ($2,500) – Nohora Galvis, Colombia 
The winners listed above automatically receive ICRS Fellow <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/7> status. The following nominees were also awarded ICRS Fellow status (subject to maintaining membership status):
Michel Pichon, Australia
Margaret Miller, USA
Simon Harding, UK
Carly Randall, Australia
Line Bay, Australia 
We are also pleased to announce the following fellowship winners. These fellowships provide financial support for student research projects (Ruth Gates and Graduate Research Fellowships) and the development of science communication skills for a society member (Science Communication Fellowship). The awardees are: 
Ruth Gates Fellowship <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/8> ($5,000) 
Igor Pessoa, USA 
Graduate Research Fellowship <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/9> ($2,500) 
Dominque Gallery, USA 
Hannah Merges, USA
Lindsay Taylor, USA
Melissa Versteeg, UK
Helen Yan, Australia
Clara Lei Xin Yong, Singapore 
Science Communication Fellowship <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/10> ($2,000) 
Audrey Tan, Singapore
Due to the high standard of applications this year, the ICRS Awards Committee would also like to provide an honorable mention to the following applicants:
Early-Career Scientist Award– Kate Quigley and Mary Donovan
Ruth Gates Fellowship– Danielle Becker and Claire Williams  
For those considering applying for ICRS awards in 2024, please head to our webpage <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/11>. Based on ICRS community and council feedback received this year, the ICRS Awards Committee in collaboration with the ICRS Council are currently looking into clarifying award criteria and diversifying awards. Stay tuned! 
Thank you to all nominees, nominators, and reference writers. You all help make the ICRS a thriving society. The ICRS supports diversity and inclusivity, and we are happy to be able to award the most diverse cohort of awardees to date, representing scientists and students from across the globe. 
Nicola Browne and Ilsa Kuffner 
ICRS Honors and Awards Committee                        
nicola.browne at curtin.edu.au <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/12> 
Ikuffner at usgs.gov <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/11c63574-1754-4e65-beb1-943e259bba41/13> 
Christian Voolstra 
International Coral Reef Society 
christian.voolstra at uni-konstanz.de <mailto:christian.voolstra at uni-konstanz.de>

C. Mark Eakin, Ph.D.
Corresponding Secretary, International Coral Reef Society
Chief Science Advisor, Chasing Coral https://www.chasingcoral.com
Retired NOAA Oceanographer
Living on on lands stewarded by the Nacotchanke (Anacostan) and Piscataway Peoples
e-mail: Corals.and.Climate at gmail.com
Twitter: @MarkEakin	FB: Mark Eakin
Mobile: (301) 502-8608

‘'The climate system is an angry beast and we are poking it with sticks.''
Prof. Wallace Broecker, March 17, 1998

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