[Coral-List] ICRS Launches Mentoring Program

Mark Eakin corals.and.climate at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 16:01:17 UTC 2023

We are excited to launch the ICRS Mentoring Program exclusively for ICRS members.

Broad goals: The International Coral Reef Society Mentorship Program aims to facilitate mentorship pairs between members of the ICRS community across various stages and experiences. The primary goal is to encourage multidimensional mentorship given that no single mentor can provide guidance on all aspects of life. The hope is that this program becomes a conduit for partnerships across different career stages, institutions, and experiences and promotes a sense of belonging for people who are underrepresented in our sphere.

 Program description: Mentees will receive guidance (e.g., scientific, professional, work-life balance, diversity) from mentors who offer scientific expertise, professional affiliation, or lived experiences in order to nurture growth and retention of the next generation of coral reef scientists, practitioners, and conservationists. 

 Time commitment: Each mentor-mentee relationship might look different, but in general the mentor might encourage the attendance of the mentee(s) to their lab/work meetings and provide the mentee with ~1hr per month of one-on-one communication. However, some mentorship pairs might prefer a different frequency or duration of meetings, and in many cases the mentorship might look different depending on the needs/goals of the mentee. 

 General expected actions (although not prescriptive):

 • Include mentee in a minimum of 5 regular team meetings from September 2023 - August 2024 (most likely will be virtual attendance)
 • Offer the mentee dedicated time for professional development (e.g., career direction, presentation practice during a team meeting, reviewing CV/resume for job applications, experimental design feedback, etc.)
 • ~1 hour per month of one-on-one communication with mentee. The nature of this communication is flexible (i.e., email or virtual calls) and may vary depending on the goals of the mentorship relationship.

After being paired, you and your mentee will set goals for the relationship. Throughout the year, ICRS will request brief, occasional reports to check-in and provide additional support or guidance to help you meet your mentorship relationship goals. There may also be opportunities for some form of recognition from ICRS.


Mentor Applications Open June 7th - June 30th
Mentee Applications Open July 10th - August 7th
Mentorship Pairings Announced by End of August
Kick-Off Mentorship Virtual Event Early September
Mentorship Program September 2023 - August 2024

 How do I apply to be a mentor?

 Click here: https://forms.gle/M5ZnHfunzBsfgs8S6 <http://icrs.memberclicks.net/message2/link/5dc85e37-df61-43b7-96f6-3728861e16f0/2>
Not a member of ICRS? Click here: https://coralreefs.org/about-icrs/icrs-membership-2/

ICRS Mentorship and Belonging Committee

C. Mark Eakin, Ph.D.
Chief Science Advisor, Chasing Coral https://www.chasingcoral.com
Retired NOAA Oceanographer
Living on on lands stewarded by the Nacotchanke (Anacostan) and Piscataway Peoples
e-mail: Corals.and.Climate at gmail.com
Twitter: @MarkEakin	FB: Mark Eakin
Mobile: (301) 502-8608

‘'The climate system is an angry beast and we are poking it with sticks.''
Prof. Wallace Broecker, March 17, 1998

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