[Coral-List] EVERYONE: Hennessey story Part 3

Stephen Palumbi spalumbi at stanford.edu
Thu Nov 24 16:46:06 UTC 2022

Hi all - with apologies for the email out of the blue, (and if you’ve gotten an earlier version!) I wanted to share a fun collaboration of myself, co-author Tony Palumbi and cartoonist Jim Toomey.  This week, Jim’s comic strip Sherman’s Lagoon is running a set of stories based on the main character in Tony and my shark novella Hennessey.

Hennessey is a pregnant white shark, migrating north in the summer toward food carrying her seven pups. She faces the conflict of needing to hunt in cold waters to feed the pups and needing to find a warm cove to give birth, especially since both these destinations are near beaches and coastal people.  Sherman’s Lagoon starts when Hennessey gets there and finds it a safe place to give birth.

Our main purpose for this is to highlight sharks as wildlife, that they are mothers not monsters, and that they have traits like being pregnant and giving live birth that most people have no idea about.

Our novella is serialized and coming out each day the comic strip comes out. Parts 1-4 are here, and there will be six more.
Part 1: Migrant  https://stanford.io/3Elm4yf
Part 2: Mother    https://stanford.io/3OytqU1
Part 3 Seal Rocks https://stanford.io/3Ojnm1m
Part 4  Test Bite  https://stanford.io/3AnPt9Z

In order not to bother everyone, we won’t bombard you with daily updates! You can find them on Instagram and Twitter and Ghost.org<http://ghost.org/>…look for #HennesseyTheShark. The entire novella is at https://linktr.ee/HennesseyTheShark

It’s been a very fun project, and we’re happy to share and hear reactions.

Steve and Tony

Stephen Palumbi
Jane and Marshall Steel Jr. Professor of Marine Science
microdocumentaries at http://microdocs.org<http://microdocs.org/>

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