[Coral-List] Job Advertisement

Michael Sweet M.Sweet at derby.ac.uk
Thu Sep 15 10:41:54 UTC 2022

Dear Coral List

My university is seeking a lecturer/senior lecturer in the broad topic of environmental bioscience. I’m particularly keen to support applicants in the aquatic sciences and especially if they have an interest or prior expertise in the use of eDNA.

You would be able to collaborate and supervise on my teams projects already funded and running (if you wished), giving you a great head start in this tough world of academia which we choose to live in. These include research projects focused around corals, sharks, seagrass and rare, endangered or invasive freshwater invertebrates. Please see the advert here and note the deadline for application is short (2nd October).

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Environmental Bioscience (0515-22) - Current vacancies - University of Derby<https://www.derby.ac.uk/jobs/current-vacancies/lecturer-senior-lecturer-environmental-bioscience/>

I’d be more than happy to discuss the position and life at Derby, UK, with any interested applicant and assist them with their submission if they wish. You would have full access to our famed aquatic research facility and possibly be able to assist in the advancement of the coral spawning lab (www.coralspawninglab.org<http://www.coralspawninglab.org>) – if interests aligned.

Derby is a beautiful place to live in the peak district, the middle of the UK. Also has good connections with other major cities such as Birmingham, Sheffield and Nottingham and only 1.5hrs from London.

Derby University is however more known as a teaching University, although, together with my team, we have managed to forge a large working group passionate about marine and freshwater biology and you can see the kind of research we have undertaken from looking at my google scholar profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fsG_EBwAAAAJ&hl=en

I hope to hear from you

All the best and happy job hunting

Professor Michael Sweet

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