[Coral-List] Research Associate needed for fisheries sampling GIS framework project

Brian Walker walkerb at nova.edu
Fri Sep 23 14:08:40 UTC 2022

The GIS and Spatial Ecology lab at Nova Southeastern University, Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Institute (Dania Beach, Florida USA) is seeking candidates for a Research Associate I position. The Research Associate's primary responsibility is to assist in the development of statistical frames for dockside biosampling of the recreational headboat and commercial fishing fleets in the Gulf of Mexico.

This is a one-year position with the possibility of additional years, contingent upon continued funding. The successful candidate will collaborate with the University of Miami and NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) scientists to work out the overall approach for developing the commercial fleet and recreational headboat fleet statistical sampling frames.

The job will entail working with fishery dependent databases in the Gulf of Mexico in the following ways: (1) updating database site registries, (2) creating geodatabases for relating landing sites to fishing areas, (3) develop relational data tables summarizing annual/quarterly fishing trips by data source and potential stratification variables for landing sites, and (4) develop relational data tables summarizing annual/quarterly landings and size composition by potential stratification variables for landing sites. The incumbent will be a member of a project team but will be expected to function relatively independently after initial instructions regarding scope and objectives are provided.

This is a full-time position with university employment benefits.

Minimum qualifications and requirements include:

1.       M.S degree in marine or biological sciences from an accredited college or university.

2.       Up to two (2) years of experience in an academic or research environment.

3.       Ability to work effectively in a team and independently with little oversight.

4.       Ability to effectively communicate with a diverse team of faculty, students, and staff.

5.       Ability to manage large datasets and perform statistical analyses.

6.       Must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with NOAA SEFSC.

Preferred Experience and Skills:

1.       Experience in GIS and R programming.

2.       Experience in managing and analyzing fisheries research data.

3.       Publication history appropriate for a Research Associate position.

4.       Experience discussing and presenting research goals and results with scientists, resource managers, and members of the public.

Posted NSU positions can be found here: Research Associate I - 993163<https://nsucareers.nova.edu/en-us/job/502853/research-associate-i-993163>

This position will be open until filled. Questions about the position or the application process should be directed to Dr. Brian K. Walker (walkerb at nova.edu<mailto:walkerb at nova.edu>).

Best regards,

Brian K. Walker | Research Scientist II
GIS & Spatial Ecology Laboratory<https://gisandspatialecologylab.weebly.com/>
Halmos College of Arts and Sciences
Nova Southeastern University
8000 N. Ocean Drive, Dania Beach, FL 33004
(954) 262-3675

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