[Coral-List] International Marine Conservation Congress: Now accepting symposia and workshop submissions!

David Shiffman david.shiffman at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 20:28:06 UTC 2024

Hello, everyone!

As the Science Officer for the Society for Conservation Biology's Marine
Program and an IMCC co-chair, I wanted to alert you that the upcoming 7th
International Marine Conservation Congress (October 13-18 in Cape Town) is
now accepting some types of submissions!

We are now accepting submissions for IMCC Symposia, Workshops, Focus
Groups, and also nominations for Plenary Speakers! Regular talk abstracts
will be open for submission in a few weeks so stay tuned there.

Workshops are meant to teach participants a professional development skill,
and focus groups are meant to gather a team of experts together for a
focused discussion. Both occur before the main IMCC meeting. Symposia are
thematically focused groups of talks about the same general topic that take
place during the main IMCC meeting. Learn more about workshops, focus
groups, and symposia here:

To submit, please visit this website
where Society for Conservation Biology members can log in, or you can
submit without being an SCB member.

Additionally, we are now accepting nominations for IMCC Plenary Speakers!

The International Marine Conservation Congress has a rich tradition of
thought-provoking and dynamic plenary talks. For the upcoming 7th
International Marine Conservation Congress, we are giving the marine
conservation community the chance to nominate possible plenary speakers. We
are looking for speakers who have made a major contribution to the science
or practice of ocean conservation, and have insights to share with the
global marine conservation community in an engaging way. Talks that are
broadly relevant to a global audience of scientists and practitioners, and
especially contributions in an African context, will be given priority.
Speakers can be any career stage. Self nominations are permitted. Input
nominations here. https://forms.gle/h9nxsGtchyssPfSPA

These submissions and nominations are due Friday, February 9th, and regular
talk submissions will open soon after. Please help us to spread the word to
your colleagues.

I am happy to answer any questions that anyone has about the meeting or the
process of submission, and hope to see many of you in Cape Town!



*David Shiffman, Ph.D. *
Marine Conservation Biologist, Scientific and Environmental Consultant, and
Science Writer
Washington, DC

*e: *david.shiffman at gmail.com | *t: *@WhySharksMatter
<http://twitter.com/#!/WhySharksMatter> |
*b: *Southern Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/> |
*Online CV <http://DavidShiffmanCV.com>*

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