[Coral-List] (Coral-List) 1.5 C not plausible anymore

John Ogden jogden at usf.edu
Sat Nov 5 16:34:44 UTC 2022

Hi Sarah,  While it may be true that "bird, forest and whale people" are doing much better that reef people in messaging (but I doubt it), the trajectory of all of those treasured natural resources is seriously DOWN as, of course, are reefs.  So, I think we must conclude that governments just aren't listening as they are driven by the demand for resources to sustain growth economies?  All conservation messaging needs to find a better way to penetrate the wall of government whose goals are inimical to all we hold dear.  I believe there is hope for this but we will have to be much more organized. 

Don't be discouraged and forge on regardless!  Best, John 

-----Original Message-----
From: Coral-List <coral-list-bounces at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> On Behalf Of Sarah Frias-Torres via Coral-List
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:10 PM
To: coral list <coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov>
Subject: Re: [Coral-List] (Coral-List) 1.5 C not plausible anymore

I envy the communication abilities of birdwatchers,  tree huggers, and whale people. They have a clear message. They show up at local, national, and international meetings and speak on behalf of the birds, the trees, and the whales, with one powerful voice. They are the fingers in one hand that unite and make a fist to fight.

We have failed in our communication and action. We are pelagic coral larvae, drifting eternally in the ocean, never going through settlement and recruitment. So, we don't form a reef, we are not part of an ecosystem that works together with one voice, that takes united action on behalf of coral reefs.

Coral reefs are rarely included in any government action agenda. Maybe pledges but not attached to real action. There are exceptions, but when talking about protecting ecosystems, the collective thinking goes to the Amazon rainforest, and many orders of magnitude later, coral reefs maybe get a blip of interest. I see this trend going from the general public all the way to politicians. But remember, politicians, who should know better, are mostly ignorant and inept at knowing the ways how nature works.

So, on behalf of the coral reefs of the world, the ones still functional that we need to protect, and the ones we need to restore, let's just get our act together. I don't know what it will take, if ICRI, ICRS, or some other acronym, or another initiative will unite us in one voice for coral reefs. But, for the love of Mother Ocean, let's fight this war together.


Sarah Frias-Torres, Ph.D.
Twitter: @GrouperDoc
Science Blog: https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgrouperluna.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cjogden%40usf.edu%7Cf1862503498c4a7bf92c08dabcd49412%7C741bf7dee2e546df8d6782607df9deaa%7C0%7C0%7C638029918454791858%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=TMTr%2BR8ZCQfOvyNm9mHvNdVBI1vnDHdtPhORtMcCNMA%3D&reserved=0
Art Blog: https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Foceanbestiary.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cjogden%40usf.edu%7Cf1862503498c4a7bf92c08dabcd49412%7C741bf7dee2e546df8d6782607df9deaa%7C0%7C0%7C638029918454791858%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=t9LI1EnGYN8ompGiSvNMIi%2B28LYXlGPvMcf2oyEwUI8%3D&reserved=0

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